Monday 25 August 2014

What Does It Do? - The Anchor Man

By Luke - The Football Manager Addicts and Luke's Stories of An FM Addict

Welcome to the sixth blog of 'What Does It Do?'! My blog series was set up because I had been getting a growing number of requests to talk about how tactics work on Football Manager and insights into what I'm thinking when I'm making my wacky formations!

Today I'm going to run through what an 'Anchor Man' can give to your team!

Football Managers Definition...

'Sometimes referred to as the 'Water Carrier', the Anchor Man's main duty is to sit in the whole between defence and midfield, intercepting the ball, winning the ball and laying off simple passes to his more creative teammates.
Since his key job is to anchor the defence he doesn't venture far from his position either to close down the ball or help his more advanced teammates.'

My Definition...

An Anchor Man can be right footed and have two left feet as long as he has high mental attributes!
An AM's duty is to sit just in front of the back four: protecting them from counter attacks and offering an extra hand in defence. Playing with an anchor man will enable you to play with advanced full-backs because he will sit with your centre-halves until they get back!
Offensively an Anchor Man will give you less then nothing. When he gets the ball he'll play it as safe as possible, weather it be long to your striker or short to a wide player.

Some Real Life Stories!

Anchor Men have got out of fashion a little of late, deep lying playmakers are preferred. However Claude Makélélé championed the role during his career!
At Chelsea the Frenchmen was key to Jose Mourhinio's midfield by breaking up their oppositions attacks! The current PSG staff member also carried out his distinctive role at Real Madrid.
However today's Anchor Man of the moment is Sergio Busquets of FC Barcelona. He often sits deep allowing the more creative players in his side to flourish!


Possible Formation's.

I'm a frequent user of the Anchor Man so I have three very different formations to share with you: here goes...

4-1-4-1 Counter

My 4-1-4-1 is strong defensively but still has bite going forward...

This formation works because it is balanced quite well balanced, because I have few players in the oppositions final third you should play more directly: and we do!

The ball is played quick up-field for the striker to do it alone or set it back to an onrushing teammate. You'll also play with width...



This tactic took me to the top of the world with England! So it can't be to bad...

This tactic is a lot more attack orientated: which you'll like! Your players will look to keep the ball, knock it out wide and score from inside the box.
When attacking your anchor man sits back with the two centre backs (a bit like Sergio Busquets).

3-6-1 Controlling

This one's a bit different...
For this tactic to work you must have a high quality team: it's a MUST! Your defence needs to be protected by your two anchor men and they do just that! With this strategy you'll practically have 5 centre backs: and it works!
Your attacking players will, again, look to keep the ball...


That's all for now I'll be back next Monday at five!

Before I go. If you want to keep up to date with all things AYO, FM Lord Chris and me: go and like or subscirbe to our other ventures!

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